Even topical cd's inserted it showing the same message.
Using - Nero 6.11
Intel pentium - 4 - 1.8Ghz
window Xp sp2.
Firmware for dvd combo - upgraded.
still facing problem.
My Samsung cd -R- W/ DVD -R combo is not writing Cd's. Always shows please insert topical cd even though tentative cd
Have you recently switched CD-R brands ?
Believe it or not the brand you choose is immensely important. Try another brand of CD-R. I hold had right luck with Imation.
What else have recently changed ? Did you install something latest ? Did you update a driver ?
Any of these changes may own caused your DVD-RW drive to function differently.
I hold found evidence that upgrading Nero may cause an issue. Check out the cooperation below.
make sure you own the newest updated driver for the dvd-r cdrw drive.
that suggest your dvd combo allready broken.
I suggest you to buy a new one
Make sure that what is you write on compact disc if you make a Mp3 disc so CD enjoy 700 MB and always use updates of your drivers software a short time ago open your update automatically when you on lattice if software needs to update its automatically update your software and tools.
I suppose your Samsung Combo is not work any more. See if your warranty period is still at hand if so go to the servicing center. If not try to used lens cleaner.
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