Sunday, September 12, 2010

My speakers are plugged contained by but the computer is adage no audio device connected please give a hand me best answer plz

they hold worked before untill our computer be like rebooted and wipe and now when i turn the speakers on they trademark this buzzing sound please abet

My speakers are plugged contained by but the computer is adage no audio device connected please give a hand me best answer plz

make sure nouns card is installed. to do this go to control panel, system, click on the tab that say hardware, then click on the device inspector button. if there are any tab that are open right click on it and press uninstall. subsequent press action and scan for hardware change. if no tabs are sympathetic after you have done this, it should work
You necessitate to install your sound card drivers. If your computer come with some CDs, check them for Sound Card drivers, otherwise, integer out what sound card you own and then look for free downloadable drivers on the internet.

All the best!!!
As mentioned above, it is a driver issue. You should know how to download any drivers you need from the manufacturer website or

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