Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My USB flash drive say its full but its plain?

I tried defragmenting it and checking for errors. I also rebooted my computer to see if that would do anything. Its a DANE-ELEC 256MB USB Flash drive (got it as a contribution last year).

Thanks surrounded by advance!

My USB flash drive say its full but its plain?

HP have a free formatting utility that works great for all Flash drives here is a association:
Try formatting it
lock isn't on is it?
Hmm, interesting.

First Check to make sure in that isnt a little "Lock" button on the side.. I hold wierd things happen when I've acidentally locked mine.

Second right click the thumb drive within "My Computer" and make sure the box that read "Read Only" is not checked. That would prevent you from modify or creating any new files on the drive.

If niether of those work im out of suggestions :)

Good Luck
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