Sunday, September 12, 2010

my pointer is becoming smaller amount responsive,sticking and the approaching.settings;battery;cleaning,adjectives tried,cordless?

the mouse is cordless.this make playing quick response games impossible,can anybody facilitate.

my pointer is becoming smaller amount responsive,sticking and the approaching.settings;battery;cleaning,adjectives tried,cordless?

I assume you're using XP if so press Alt Crtl and Delete together to access the task leader first check the performance tab is is the graph showing 100% it should show just about 2-5% when the computer is idling if its lofty click on the processes tab and scroll down until you find whats using all the processor time it could be spyware newly right click on the offending process and the click end process rebuff the warning XP will pass you if you stop a critical process just reboot to restart it
Check the optical constituent underneath to see if there is any fluff blocking the bedside light.
Go to control panel. Click printers and other hard ware. Click mouse. From in that you can change anything you resembling. Hope this helps, obedient luck.
First check batteries, but I'm thinking you've already tried that. Next, thinly clean the optical sensor on the bottom, as all right as the surface that you are using. Cordless mice are also succeptible to interferrence, so keep the sensor as far away as possible from your monitor and anyother electronic devices.

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