But when i go to burn some cds it didn;t work. Why?
My sisters fiance say I own a cd burner on my computer.?
double click on my computer and check your drives very assured.
and if you have a cdrw remember that you still have need of to use a burning program like Nero .
Considering you've given us unquestionably no useful information, the problem is probably worker error. Ask someone to help you.
What program are you using, and afford us specific specs about your computer we can support you then.
NeroStartSmart is a cd burner and it works surrounded by higher computer close to P IV.
More information will do no harm
survey the cd writer's serial number on the internet to be sure it's a cd writer, and not just a simple cd-rom. to win the serial number, go to control panel->system->device bureaucrat and serach for cd/dvd drives. open the tab, and near will be the serial number.
for an asus dvd writer should be asus drv-XXYYZZ
and another thing : are u using a well-mannered cdwriter program ? in nero check the mediarecorder.... it will relate you if u have a cdrom and not cdrw
Just buy a investigational one!
Could you give more details pls?
i surmise its an eye-dee-eye oh tee problem
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