Sunday, September 12, 2010

my family, how can window 98 find my usb external tough drive?

the lights turn on. the found tentative hardware installs a usb to ide point but it shows that it has a problem. window 98 doesn't have a paperwork thing contained by the control panel. no drive letter shows up within my computer. my other usb divices work. maybe this is not formatted. give a hand me there too.

my family, how can window 98 find my usb external tough drive?

did you return with any driver cd with the purchase of your exernal HD?

when the computer is booting , enter into bios settings and see if it can detect your external rugged disk there.
I can make available you a link that deal with rugged drive problems.

Some drive problems can be easily fixed by yourself using slickly available tools. I found the info at adjectives. Try this site, if you can get what is required.
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