Sunday, September 12, 2010

My phone have an 153'6 Kbs Modem but it is drastically slow,why?

My phone have an 153'6 Kbs Modem but it is drastically slow,why?

Dont listen to partially these mofos....

No matter what your modem speed the nouns where you are is probably sharing like bandwidth over the phone line. You will mind that certain parts of the light of day or night your nouns is faster and at other times its slower. Your modem speed is set to work at its max. So if there be no one using duplicate kind of interenet bandwidth you'd grasp the max throughput.

However they are right..if you want faster speed you will need a big bandwidth connection approaching dsl, etc.

Know this though..that these fast large speed bandwidths service also go through one and the same situation..but they will never slow down as slow as dial up.

Hope all this make sense.
Because it is a modem. You need to receive like dsl or cable, or you are going to be going slow
That modem can download at a maximum rate of just about 20KBps (153.6 divided by 8...there are 8 bits surrounded by a byte).
Despite the speed of your modem, there is a confine to modem speed imposed by the internet itself. If you want to get around this speed constrict you may have no prospect but to go beside either DSL or Cable internet service; of which, the faster is Cable.

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